3. Python run environment

Python can be launched in couple ways.

3.1. Virtual Environment (venv)

  • Keeps environment separate,

  • Solves problem of dependencies, packages conflicts,

  • Helps keeping different python/libraries in our projects


In order to create virtual environment we do one of below commands - python -m venv <DIR> instead DIR usually we use venv or env - virtualenv <KATALOG> ex. virtualenv venv


In order to use environments we need to execute: source venv/bin/activate


In case of Windows user is activating env withouth source command. venv\Scripts\activate.bat

3.2. Global environment

  • All packages are global - there is no separation,

  • There might problems with dependencies

3.3. Environment in container

  • Python available within container,

  • Good in case of testing solutions,

  • Integral part of nowadays CI/CD environments

3.4. Creation of new environment

  1. python -m venv venv,

  2. source venv/bin/activate,

3.5. Installation of new packages inside of environment

  1. Optional step pip freeze,

  2. pip install <package_name>,

  3. pip freeze Just to verify what has been installed,

  4. Optional step pip freeze > requirements.txt

3.6. Exercise

This exercise will show you typical use case of virtual environments.


  1. Create new virtual environment,

  2. Activate virtual env,

  3. Look on pip freeze,

  4. Install django,

  5. Look on pip freeze,

  6. Deactivate virual env,

  7. Remove virtual env,

  8. Start from scratch,

  9. Install notebook